September 16, 2010

au revoir, free time

School started last Monday and with the beginning of the semester came the abrupt end to my summer. It's good to be busy but it's hard to go from being kind of bored during the summer to crazy busy almost overnight. It's like someone turned the switch on one day and my free time disappeared...Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

The two weeks leading up to school were filled with lots of fun, so it was a good way to end the summer. Here is what the last part of my summer consisted of:

Walking around Paris (Mom and Tom in the Luxembourg Gardens)

Marveling at Parisian sights

Some serious shopping with Jenny and Christie (friends from Minnesota)

Sipping wine at outdoor cafés and people watching
and lastly...Indulging in some decadent desserts

Although it's kind of sad to see summer end, we're coming up on my favorite time of the year! I live for September 1 through January 1. I'm excited for the semester ahead, for fall weather, for holidays, visitors, weekend getaways and a trip home in Decemeber to eat lots of Chipotle to see friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. After looking at your pictures I want to come back and hang out NOW! Sounds like the long, lazy days of summer are truly over. But the holidays will be here and so will you in no time!
